Positive Spin Media was born in 1999 to provide quality Interactive consultation and development services to select clients. I have extensive experience in web/database/multimedia development with numerous clients large (Fortune 500) and small. Need some Spin? Contact me.
I've been working on the web since its popular inception (about 1993), and completed major projects for companies like Iomega, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, and others. I now focus on serving small to medium agencies who cannot justify having my expertise in house. My focus? Make sure *everyone* understands and shares the vision as well as the implementation.
Next time you purchase that computer peripheral or timeshare condo, stop a moment and examine your motivations. Chances are, someone like me has systematically analyzed your every weakness and developed the perfect plan to sucker you in assist you in your purchase decision. Such is the life of a minion of the dark side marketing person. In the past decade, I've done "terribly important work" for Creative Source International, Aspen Marketing Group, and Advertising Design. Clients have included Hewlett Packard, Iomega, Seagate, Adaptec, Compaq and a host of other high-tech stalwarts.
Computers were clearly a part of my destiny from a young age. Where did it all start? HyperCard. Once I figured it out, I was hooked. Like any habit, I wanted more and more: soon I was using Director on a daily basis, then After Effects - the addiction was starting to cost me, so I turned to selling my services. Then came the web, and with it came some serious work. I've been on a multi-year binge that has seen ColdFusion, PHP, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL. I couldn't have made it through without the constant love and support of Photoshop, Freehand, and Flash. Now that I'm on the other side, I can CSS clearly, and I'm writing clean and sober C, and Objective-C. I offer the gory details in my programming history.
I'm occasionally complimented on my speaking skills and asked how I acquired such a comfort level. Answer: in front of teenagers, in groups of thirty, five times a day! Most audiences I work with are pretty easy in comparison.
As an educator, I compete head-to-head with MTV, low-rider jeans, and raging hormones for the hearts and minds of America's youth. I use extensive knowledge, exhaustive preparation, and get-your-hands-dirty rapport to get the job done. When it's Mathematics vs. Lady Gaga, you know I'd better have something working for me!
I was a teacher from 1993 until 1997, and later from 2002 through 2005. I've taught in public and private schools, and worked substitute and contract in settings that range from inner-city (East St. Louis) to suburban (Boise, ID and Billings, MT).
BombSquad is an explosive Minesweeper clone for Mac OS X. Its good looks put other versions of Minesweeper to shame, and I've taken the opportunity to "think different" about a variety of game features. It's an addictive ton of fun, and at only $2.99 on the Mac App Store, it's a lot easier on the wallet than a real minefield!
Pandora is the media collector's web spider and search agent for Mac OS X. In the time it takes to grab a glass of water, Pandora is able to hunt down files by spidering a URL or performing a keyword-based search. A clear and intuitive interface guarantees you are underway in no time, and extensive preferences allow advanced users to flex their muscles. After a rapid search based on the given criteria, Pandora prepares a slideshow, providing you with a quick and comprehensive glance at hundreds of discovered files. It is an incredible tool for anyone interested in images, music, or video on the web, and is priced at just USD $29.95 for a Single license.
PSMTabBarControl is a BSD-licensed implementation of Safari-style tabs to control an NSTabView. Full source is available as well as an Interface Builder palette for those who prefer not to swim in the deep end of the pool. The source on this site is circa 2006 - many better forks are available out on the internets. Used in fantastic apps like Adium, Scrivner, VoodooPad, and many more.
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... unfortunately, I haven't quite had the time to develop anything. For now, please rest assured that I'm extraordinarily interesting. Thanks for your curiosity!