A rose by any other name...

Why did you name your company "Positive Spin Media"?

I was initially looking for a name that rang true with my background - I have degrees in Physics and Mathematics, and wanted a name drawn from a physical term. After some fiddling with variations on particles (proton, electron, blah blah blah) I started to think about the spin states of the electron. "Negative Spin" was obviously a bad name.

Positive Spin, however, was intriguing to me. I was focused on serving the marketing community, and we spend plenty of time putting positive spin on products! Perhaps "Positive Spin" would feel right to my clients. And <bonus>it was a physical term</bonus>. Yippee!

Ten years later, my only complaints are these: When giving out my card, I'm often assumed to represent a PR firm. I guess I can understand that, as PR people perhaps even more famous than marketers for their *spin*. My second issue: long email address.

And what about that fancy logo?

I'm quite proud of it, and have received generally positive comments (no pun intended). Fonts are Eurostile and Arial Rounded.

Of course, the swoops are frowned upon by serious designers, but I like them.

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