
The explosive new minesweeper clone for Mac OS X.

Use the following links to find out more about this fun and addictive game.

Featured Story: The Truth About Apple and Minesweeper
version history

BombSquad is localized in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Dutch, and I'm looking to add more. Please email if you can help!


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Version 4.0 - released July 2011

New Features
- Spectacular visual effects: exploding board, background transparency, speedy graphics, and more!
- Available through Mac App Store.

Version 3.2 - released October 2008

New Features
- Adds Spanish localization, thanks to Javier Diaz Soto.
- Adds Japanese localization, thanks to Colin Givnan.

Version 3.1 - released February 2008

New Features
- Adds German localization, thanks to Matthias Rempe.
- Improved software update notification.
- Leopard compatible.

Version 3.0 - released June 2006

New Features
- Improved drawing performance, which is especially nice for revealing large regions on giant board sizes.
- Toolbar for preferences window.
- Improved software update notification.
- Adds Italian localization (thanks to Andrea Paoloni).

Version 2.1 - released November 2005

New Features
- Slight performance improvement on large fields... still working on this!
- Universal binary support - will now work on those Intel Macs coming out any day now.
- Resize behavior now shows the grid of the field for improved visuals and performance.

Bugs Fixed
- Some typos have been found and fixed.
- Purchase menu now goes away right after purchase.
- Registration now automatically applies to all users on a machine if BombSquad is installed by the machine's "Administrator" user.

Version 2.0.4 - released February 2005

New Feature
- Adds Dutch localization (thanks to Hanneke Sieben).

Version 2.0.3 - released June 2004

New Feature
- Adds French localization (thanks to Bernard Baz).

Bugs Fixed
- Bug fixed that would have nagged you about a new version you had already downloaded.
- Made it impossible to resize the window below a 6 x 6 field size.

Version 2.0.2 - released March 2004

Bugs Fixed
- Bug fixed that made it impossible to play game with some two-button mice.
- Version notification feature modified to "Skip this version" instead of completely shut off.
- Code added to fix sound delay after first click on the field.

Version 2.0 - released February 2004

This version is a complete re-vamp of the program from the ground up, resulting in improved performance and many new features.

New Features
- Completely resizable board. SImply drag the lower right corner of the window to create whatever board size you want. Window snaps to board size when you are done dragging.
- Completely resizable cells. You can now choose the grid size using a flexible slider, instead of just three settings.
- Apple Help. BombSquad now provides help and instruction via the Apple Help Viewer.
- Better adherence to the "rules". BombSquad now identifies victory as revealing all the non-bomb squares on the board, not as marking all the bombs. It also follows other minesweeper specifics, as described at
- Localization support. Although you can't see it yet, BombSquad has been re-engineered to support other languages. I am looking for volunteers to assist in translating BombSquad, if you are interested! You should see more languages supported in the coming months...
- Record Book is open to unregistered users during their demo period.
- BombSquad will now notify you when a new version is available.

Bugs Fixed:
- Zap Clicks are now a preference, so you can turn them off if desired.
- Registration - I have changed to a demo version with 10 launches for unregistered users. I offer a free version of this game with limited features for people who do not feel the game is worth money.

Known Issues:
- While the speed/performance of the game has been much improved, large board sizes or small grid sizes still have noticeable delays (i.e. when revealing large blank areas or populating large boards). It has to do with updating the hundreds/thousands of cells on the screen. I will continue to look for solutions to this. Note that these delays do not affect your overall time - it gets delayed too :-)

Version 1.2.1 - released July 2003

Bugs Fixed (this release fixes bugs that allow game play to result in amazingly low times).
- Playing field is now covered when the game is paused.
- Zap click on a square where bombs are not properly revealed results in explosion.

Version 1.2 - released May 2003

New Features
- Fortune Cookies - you get a cute/clever quote when you finish the game.
- Zap Click - If you have marked all the bombs adjacent to a numbered square, you can "zap click" the square (by just clicking it with the mouse) to reveal all other squares surrounding the numbered square.

Improved Features
- The Online Record Book is now open to all players, registered or not.

Bugs Fixed
- Crunch timer text was showing when game starts up, then disappearing. This has been fixed.
- The "Hard" setting for bomb count was too hard... I have decreased the number of bombs to make this setting playable (but still pretty tough :-)

Version 1.1 - released March 2003

New Features
- Ghost Bombs - makes the bombs on the field visible so new users can learn how to interpret the numbers in the game.
- Sound Preferences - Users can turn sound on/off and choose sounds to represent actions in the game.
- Online Record Book (for registered users) - keeps all scores in an online database. Record Book is accessed via the web and can be searched/sorted in a variety of ways.
- Registration Code
- Preferences system keeps track of preferences for multiple users.

Improved Features
- Crunch Time can now be turned on/off and configured for a specific amount of time.
- Despite many additions, the size of the game has been reduced from 830K to 760K. I guess I can thank Apple's Developer Tools for that :-)

Bugs Fixed
- When changing the difficulty, the next game played did not redistribute the bombs on the field. This resulted in some strange bomb distributions, like all of the bombs being in the upper left corner! This has been fixed. I found it while adding the Ghost Bombs feature.
- Some users felt Crunch Time was a bug :-) I have since made it optional as a preference.

Version 1.0 - released November 2002

The initial release of the game featured a cool Aqua GUI, user configurable difficulty, and "Crunch Time" - a feature that gives you some time after tripping a bomb before things really blow up.